IMEX America: Helping buyers learn about technology

Planners are sampling the latest tech solutions for event planning, budgeting and sourcing at the TECHknowledge Area at IMEX America.

Tahira Endean, on the “Top Five Women in EventTech” panel said: “The exhibitors have been very helpful in putting the technology into context. We’ve also had great feedback from the buyers who’ve been on the tours.”

It’s no secret that the best way to understand and learn to use new technology is to see it in action. Meeting planners at IMEX America, currently taking place in Las Vegas, have been finding out about event technology and meeting the experts behind the latest innovations in a new series of EventTech Tours running throughout the show. Led by Tahira, the tours feature several companies who are leading the way in technology for the meetings and event sector.

Carrie Drummond of Ansible by Red Hat, who took part in one of the tours said: “I’m really happy I came on this tour. It’s given me a short taste and insight into several types of technologies that I only know a little about and which are not on my appointment schedule.”

TECH знания

Experts are on hand to deliver targeted technology sessions, TECHbytes, answering questions on hot topics such as Snapchat, Slack, OneNote and wearable technology, and guiding visitors through the latest tech in the Gadget Lab.

В допълнение към EventTech Tours, почти 40 образователни сесии, обхващащи различни аспекти на технологиите, се провеждат в Inspiration Hub по време на шоуто и предизвикват голям интерес.

In the run up to the show, buyers have also had the chance to use Zenvoy, a new networking technology.  IMEX has introduced this one-to-one business introduction service for professionals, groups & events to enable buyers to meet like-minded colleagues and make better contacts more easily at the event. Joanna Oliver of EmCare said, “I’m excited to see IMEX doing this, it helps to find expertise easily, to share experiences and make valuable connections.”

Освен че са изпитали най -новите технологични разработки, планиращите са имали представа и за някои от технологиите, настроени да създават вълни в индустрията на #IMEXpitch. Стартъпите в технологията за събития имаха възможността да покажат своите продукти пред аудитория от професионалисти в събитието. Петте финалисти представиха своите продукти пред жива публика. Базираната в Лондон Grip, първото в света решение за мрежови събития, задвижвано от изкуствен интелект, беше короновано за победител от експертна жури.

Grip ще получи безплатно място в Технологичния павилион на изложението през следващата година в допълнение към пресата и маркетинговата експозиция.

В момента IMEX Америка се провежда в Sands Expo and Convention Center в The Venetian® | Palazzo® Las Vegas от 18 до 20 октомври 2016 г., предшестван от Smart Monday, 17 октомври.

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